Featured photo of the month: Fruit Ranch at Kelowna

The Chung Collection is a rich source of historical photographs on a mind-boggling array of subjects. To showcase this amazing variety, we plan to feature a photograph each month, related to the season or current/historic events.

In homage to the wonderful British Columbia fruit available this time of year, the feature photograph is of a fruit ranch in Kelowna taken in July of 1921:

This photograph is part of an album of photos of a “journey across Canada,” taken by an unknown photographer. This is an extensive album of more than 300 photographs from across the country, featuring landmarks, scenery, and shots of the Canadian Pacific Railway.

If you’re interested in the history of fruit growing in British Columbia, an interesting resource are brochures issued by the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, describing the opportunities in British Columbia for fruit farming. These can be found in the collection by searching for books with the keyword “fruit”.

Speaking of fruit, here at UBC we’re all enjoying the Blueberry Fest!