We often tell visitors to the Chung Collection that the collection contains material related to three main themes: Immigration and Settlement (especially Chinese-Canadians), the Canadian Pacific Railway, and B.C. history more generally.
What is so interesting about the collection is how these three themes intersect, which is demonstrated by this month’s featured photograph, of a Chinese-style junk in the Inner Harbour in Victoria.

In the photograph, taken ca. 1920’s (based on the Johnson Street bridge sticking up in the background), a junk is docked in the Inner Harbour, while a number of people take a look at the foreign vessel from the dock- a really interesting intersection of B.C. history and Chinese culture and industry.
This image is on permanent display in the Chung Collection exhibition room– if you’re new to the collection, the exhibition is free and open to the public! Check out the exhibition section of the website for details.