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Easter weekend closures

Please note that Rare Books and Special Collections, the Chung Collection and University Archives will be closed on Good Friday and Easter Monday; however, we are open as usual on Saturday the 30th, from 12-5. Please check the Library’s Hours and Locations portal to see hours for other branches over Easter weekend. Amongst our English […]

Archival collections continue to be unavailable until April 2

Due to a software upgrade to our Automated Storage and Retrieval System many of our archival collections and some of our book collections will be unavailable to request during the week of March 25th. We anticipate the system being fully functional again by Tuesday April 2. Our sincere apologies for this continue inconvenience. How do […]

“Floating on the Margins” exhibition at Maritime Museum of BC

If you’re in the Victoria area, be sure to check out the “Floating on the Margins” exhibition at the Maritime Museum of B.C. The exhibition “illustrates the lives of early Chinese Canadian sailors and passengers on the Canadian Pacific Passenger Liners” and we’re especially pleased to have loaned a number of documents and photographs to their exhibition from the Chung Collection! The exhibition is on now, and will be available for viewing until May 28th.

Archival collections largely unavailable March 25-28

Due to a software upgrade to our Automated Storage and Retrieval System many of our archival collections and some of our book collections will be unavailable to request on March 25 and 26. We anticipate the system being fully functional again on March 27th March 28th at noon. How do you know if an item […]

Archival collections largely unavailable March 25-26

Due to a software upgrade to our Automated Storage and Retrieval System many of our archival collections and some of our book collections will be unavailable to request on March 25 and 26. We anticipate the system being fully functional again on March 27th. How do you know if an item is affected or not? […]

Featured place: Trail

In this post in our series of B.C. places used as room names in the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre, we are going to feature Trail, B.C. We are also going to talk about archival appraisal, but first- a little bit about Trail! Trail is a city in the Western Kootenay region of B.C., founded […]

Tours, Classes, and Reproductions

Tours, Classes, and Reproductions

RBSC offers a number of services – feel free to contact us today!

Featured photograph: Locomotive

Have you come to visit us at the Chung Collection lately? If you have, you will have noticed one of our new additions- a model locomotive, built by a former CPR Engineer as a retirement hobby project and given to Dr. Chung several years ago:

We think it’s pretty neat! We have had great feedback from visitors already. It’s a very nice companion to the model Empress of Asia steamship, which has long been the “centrepiece” of the exhibition.

This new addition to the collection got me to thinking about CPR locomotives, and how photographs from the Chung Collection can really be used to show the evolution of train locomotives over time. Take our new model in contrast, for example, to this photograph from ca. 1890:

What a difference! The model is of a K1a-class locomotive, which were in use from around 1930-1950’s. If you know what kind of locomotive is depicted in this photograph we’d love to hear from you- leave a comment, or email us at

To search for more images of locomotives, search for “locomotive” under Photographic Material, or more broadly for “train.”

Fraser River Carousel

Fraser River Carousel