Chelsea S.

Chelsea S.
Dear Mr. Potter
I remember going to pick up my pre-ordered copy of “Deathly Hallows” and smiling at all of the people I passed who also had the book under their arms as I walked home. I spent the day reading on a sunny porch until I had to leave to pick up a friend from the airport. Sitting in my car in the parking lot, I read some more, hoping the plane would be delayed and wondering why I hadn’t planned this visit better! Luckily, jet lag meant that an afternoon nap was in order, and I finished the book, trying hard not to cry too loudly, while my friend snored on the couch. I’ve been so proud and happy to be part of this amazing community, one that continues to flourish long after the last page has been read.
Hogwarts’ House
Post Category
Harry Potter Stories


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