By sromkey on May 25, 2011
We recently had our friends from Chinese Canadian Stories (CCS) join us to host high school students from Sir Winston Churchill Secondary School for a tour of the Chung Collection and a Mandarin language lesson. Afterward, the researchers from CCS mentioned they had found an unopened letter in the Wah Shun Company fonds– could we […]
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By sromkey on May 4, 2011
Always wanted to “go down in the history books” but not sure how? It’s easy- answer the 2011 Canadian census, and answer YES to question 10. The census is a rich source of information for future researchers to understand ordinary Canadians. But they will only be able to see your data if you answer YES […]
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By sromkey on March 7, 2011
A while back I posted an iPhone app which some researchers use to keep track of photographs they take of documents they’ve consulted in archives. Miriam Posner, a colleague from Emory University libraries (who I met at the Digital Humanities Summer Institute a couple of summers back) has posted to her blog steps for taking […]
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By sromkey on February 16, 2011
In January we were visited twice by students in ARST 550: Management of audio-visual and non-textual archives from the School of Library, Archival and Information Studies. This class focuses on the management of a variety of types of material, but they came to Rare Books and Special Collections particularly to work with photographic archives. RBSC […]
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By sromkey on December 11, 2010
A post to the Society of American Archivists listserv mentioned this piece of software: ILINX Capture Mobile “allows you to capture an image of anything, attach keywords to it, so you and easily find it later, and then emails a PDF of the image back to you.” Seems like a tool with potential for those […]
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