Mapping Asian Canadian History and Archives at RBSC

Map showing the locations of various Chinese Canadian materials held at Rare Books and Special Collections.
A StoryMap version of our Asian Canadian History and Archives Research Guide is now available at
Abirami Muthukumar, an MLIS student at the University of Alberta, created this StoryMap through her practicum coursework at Rare Books and Special Collections in the Fall of 2021. Based on the Asian Canadian History and Archives Research Guide, users hoping to access the rich history of Asian Canadians through primary sources available at RBSC can now interact with this guide in a geospatial format. Divided into geographical regions, the StoryMap offers highlighted collections, as well as a comprehensive list of our holdings related to Chinese Canadians, Japanese Canadians, Korean Canadians and South Asian Canadians. Expanding and growing our holdings in this area is a priority for Rare Books and Special Collections. If you have materials you would like us to consider, please contact