
Coasting license for the S.S. Mist

Scanned, sealed (pun intended), and delivered

Last summer, we processed a very interesting new fonds here at RBSC. The Charles E. Spring (1859-1938) fonds provides great insight into the sealing industry of British Columbia in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, as well as the on-going campaign of one man to receive restitution for the loss of his business. The […]

A Critical Pronouncing Dictionary and Expositor of the English Language

The final installment!

Happy holidays from everyone here at Rare Books and Special Collections! As an early Christmas gift, we offer the final student dictionary report from the course English 320: History of the English Language. As I mentioned in last week’s post, the exhibition, The Road to the OED, has been extended until the end of January, so please […]

English Etymology

The etymology of Lemon…George Lemon

With the holidays just around the corner, I know you are all worried about making time (in between shopping, baking, wrapping, packing, cleaning, etc.) to visit The Road to the OED exhibition at Rare Books and Special Collections before it closes on December 24. Well, worry no longer! The exhibition has been extended until the […]

Hugh Thomson's illustration from Austen's Persuasion

Happy 238th birthday!

Today, December 16, is Jane Austen’s 238th birthday! I have quite a soft spot for our Jane, so I was too excited when a generous private donor gifted a first edition of Pride and Prejudice to Rare Books and Special Collections last year. We are also fortunate enough to have a first edition of Emma, […]

The Oxford English Dictionary

Sorry you missed it?

If you’ve been quietly sobbing into your copy of the Compact Oxford English Dictionary since missing last Friday’s talk by Professor Stefan Dollinger, dry your eyes! Iva Cheung, a local professional editor and a current student in the UBC course English 320: History of the English Language, wrote a terrific blog post about the event, […]

An English Dictionary

The OED and Miley Cyrus?!

So what does Miley have to do with the Oxford English Dictionary, you may ask? If anyone can tell us, it’s UBC’s Professor Stefan Dollinger. Professor Dollinger will be giving a talk this Friday, November 15, at 12 p.m. entitled: The Oxford English Dictionary, the Grimm Brothers, and Miley Cyrus On the Changing Expectations of […]

The New World of English Words

Time to hit the road…The Road to the OED!

A new exhibition, The Road to the OED: A History of English-Language Dictionaries, is now up in Rare Books and Special Collections! This exhibition features work done by seven students from the course English 320: History of the English Language. For this class, Professor Laurel Brinton asked each student to select one dictionary from the […]

The Oxford English Dictionary, the Grimm Brothers, and Miley Cyrus

The Oxford English Dictionary, the Grimm Brothers, and Miley Cyrus

Please join us for a talk sponsored by Rare Books and Special Collections at UBC Library. The Oxford English Dictionary, the Grimm Brothers, and Miley Cyrus On the Changing Expectations of the OED: Past, Present and (Possible) Futures Stefan Dollinger, assistant professor of English language at the University of British Columbia and editor-in-chief of The […]

The Road to the OED: A History of English-Language Dictionaries

The Road to the OED: A History of English-Language Dictionaries

Rare Books and Special Collections at UBC Library announces an upcoming exhibition! The Road to the OED: A History of English-Language Dictionaries Join Rare Books and Special Collections on a journey through the history of English-language dictionaries. This exhibition will explore how lexicographers of the past built on the work of their predecessor (or stole […]

Charles van Sandwyk and the Children’s Literary Tradition

Charles van Sandwyk and the Children’s Literary Tradition

UBC Library’s Rare Books and Special Collections (RBSC) is pleased to present, Charles van Sandwyk and the Children’s Literary Tradition. Curated by Kristy Woodcock (a Masters of Library Science and Information Studies student at the School of Library, Archival and Information Studies at UBC). Featuring material from UBC Rare Books and Special Collections and private […]